

Effective from 01.01.2024

The data controller for the website watermillresort.ee is Watermill OÜ (registry code 16426646), located in Valga County, Tõrva Parish, Leebiku village, Puidu, 68711.

Privacy Policy regulates the processing of personal data and the use of cookies on the website of Watermill OÜ (hereinafter referred to as Watermill) at https://www.watermillresort.ee (hereinafter referred to as the website).


Processing of personal data includes any action with the user’s (hereinafter referred to as the user) personal data, such as collection, processing, storage, correction, or deletion.

Users are all individuals who visit the website, consume services, or provide information to Watermill. For example, reading articles, ordering services, or contacting Watermill by email.

Services include all free and paid products and services offered by Watermill.

Processing of Personal Data

To serve customers best and fulfill contractual relationships correctly, Watermill collects, stores, discloses, transmits, and stores customer data in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia and European Union legislation.

By using the website, the user gives consent to the processing of their data in accordance with these privacy terms.

When purchasing our service, we ask you for the following information for the identification of all adult persons staying: first and last name, date of birth, nationality, country of residence, time of providing accommodation services, purpose of the trip, and the number of accompanying minor children.

Types of Personal Data Processed

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Purpose related to the provided service
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Cost of goods and services and payment-related data (purchase history)

Purposes of Personal Data Processing

  • To provide services to the user, such as entering into and fulfilling contracts, communicating with the user, and sending invoices.
  • To send notifications to the user’s email address about new articles, services, and promotions, but only with the user’s prior consent.
  • Watermill uses website visit statistics for improving user experience and more efficient marketing.

The user has the right to prohibit the processing of their personal data at any time, except when necessary to fulfill contractual obligations, including service provision.

Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

A third party is a contractual partner of Watermill that processes personal data and, through their product or service, provides services/goods to the user.

Watermill may use third parties for daily operations, such as those providing:

  • Email delivery and management systems
  • Website hosting
  • Website usage statistics analysis
  • Social media usage and social media statistics analysis
  • Accounting software usage

In addition to the third parties mentioned above, Watermill may disclose user personal data to cooperation partners. This is done only to the extent necessary to provide services to the user.

Storage and Security of Personal Data

Watermill retains personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose or as required by law. For example, accounting data is retained for 7 years from the end of the financial year, and an email address on the mailing list is retained until the user expresses a desire to remove it.

Watermill implements all reasonable measures to protect processed personal data. Access to modify and process personal data is granted only to authorized personnel, and all user personal data is treated as confidential information.

User Rights

The user has the right at any time to:

  • Request access to their data
  • Request the correction, supplementation, or deletion of personal data under conditions set by law
  • Request the restriction of personal data processing
  • Request the transfer of personal data

To exercise their rights, the user must send a request to info@watermillresort.ee.

If the user is part of the Watermill mailing list, they can delete themselves from the list and opt out of future emails through the link at the end of the email.

To restrict the use of cookies, the user can make the necessary choices in their browser settings.

If the user believes that their rights have been violated in the processing of personal data, they have the right to contact the Data Protection Inspectorate.


The Watermill website uses cookies to ensure a better user experience, more effective marketing, and to collect usage statistics.

By using the Watermill website, the user agrees to the use of cookies as described in this policy.

A cookie is a small text file that the web browser automatically stores in the user’s device. Cookies can be created by various service providers, such as Google and Facebook. Cookie files are not harmful to the computer.

There are two types of cookies:

  • Persistent cookies that remain permanently in the user’s device’s cookie file. They may be used, for example, to recognize the user as a repeat visitor to the website and to customize the content of the website according to the user’s needs or to collect statistical data.
  • Session cookies are temporary and disappear when the user leaves the website or closes their web browser. Session cookies may be used to enable certain functions of the website, such as applying for a service or product.

Cookies are used to collect information about how the website is used to make it more personal and user-friendly. In addition, cookies help collect user statistics to measure and improve website performance and provide a basis for effective marketing.

The user is considered to have consented to the use of cookies if their web browser settings allow cookies. Web browsers often allow cookie files to be stored in the device by default. The user can disable or delete the use of cookies in their device, adjusting their browser settings accordingly. Not using cookies may affect the correct functioning of the website. Instructions for deleting and setting cookies in the browser can be found, for example, here: Chrome.

To collect usage statistics, Watermill uses the Google Analytics service, collecting data on visited subpages, visit time, number of visits, devices used, entry channels, and other statistics.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Watermill reserves the right to unilaterally change privacy terms without prior notice to ensure their compliance with the law. The latest version of the privacy terms is always available on the website.

For any questions regarding privacy terms and data processing, please contact us at info@watermillresort.ee.